Understanding Automatic Differentiation in PyTorch

In this article, we will explore PyTorch's automatic differentiation capabilities, which simplify the process of calculating gradients for optimizing neural network models. We will discuss how to use the autograd package to compute gradients and perform backpropagation efficiently.

What is Automatic Differentiation?

Automatic differentiation (AD) is a technique used to compute the derivatives of a function with respect to its inputs. In deep learning, AD is essential for optimizing model parameters by minimizing the loss function through gradient-based optimization algorithms, such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD).

PyTorch's autograd package provides AD functionality, making it easy to compute gradients for tensors and perform backpropagation. The package automatically tracks tensor operations and builds a computational graph representing the function being differentiated.

Using Autograd in PyTorch

To use PyTorch's autograd functionality, you need to enable gradient tracking for tensors. By default, gradient tracking is disabled for tensors. You can enable it by setting the requires_grad attribute to True when creating a tensor:

import torch

# Create a tensor with gradient tracking enabled
x = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3], dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=True)

When you perform operations on tensors with gradient tracking enabled, PyTorch will automatically build a computational graph representing the function being differentiated. To compute the gradients, you can call the backward() method on the output tensor:

import torch

x = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3], dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=True)

# Define a simple function: y = x^2
y = x ** 2

# Compute the gradients (dy/dx) by calling the backward() method on the output tensor

# Print the gradients
print(x.grad) # Gradient of y with respect to x: dy/dx = 2x

Note that the gradients are accumulated in the grad attribute of the input tensor. Calling backward() multiple times will accumulate the gradients, so you need to zero the gradients between optimization steps:

optimizer.zero_grad()  # Assuming you're using an optimizer from torch.optim

Working with a Simple Linear Regression Example

Let's explore how to use PyTorch's autograd functionality to perform gradient-based optimization on a simple linear regression problem:

import torch

# Data (inputs and targets)
inputs = torch.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], dtype=torch.float32)
targets = torch.tensor([[2], [4], [6]], dtype=torch.float32)

# Model parameters (weights and bias)
weights = torch.randn(2, 1, requires_grad=True)
bias = torch.randn(1, requires_grad=True)

# Learning rate
lr = 0.01

# Training loop
for i in range(100):
    # Forward pass: compute predictions
    predictions = inputs.matmul(weights) + bias

    # Compute the loss (mean squared error)
    loss = torch.mean((predictions - targets) ** 2)

    # Backward pass: compute gradients

    # Update the model parameters (weights and bias)
    with torch.no_grad():  # Disable gradient tracking during the update step
        weights -= lr * weights.grad
        bias -= lr * bias.grad

        # Zero the gradients for the next iteration

    # Print the loss for every 10th iteration
    if (i + 1) % 10 == 0:
        print(f'Iteration {i + 1}, Loss: {loss.item()}')

# Final weights and bias

In this example, we created a simple linear regression model using PyTorch tensors and optimized the model parameters (weights and bias) using gradient-based optimization with the help of autograd. We used the mean squared error as our loss function and performed 100 iterations of optimization.


In this article, we introduced PyTorch's automatic differentiation capabilities provided by the autograd package. We demonstrated how to enable gradient tracking for tensors, compute gradients using the backward() method, and perform gradient-based optimization with a simple linear regression example.

With an understanding of automatic differentiation in PyTorch, you can now move on to more advanced topics, such as building custom neural network models using PyTorch's nn module and training them using the built-in optimization algorithms available in the torch.optim package.

In the next article, we will discuss how to create custom neural network architectures using PyTorch's nn module and train them using the torch.optim package for optimization.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to PyTorch and Deep Learning
  2. Setting up PyTorch
  3. Getting Started with Tensors in PyTorch
  4. Understanding Automatic Differentiation in PyTorch
  5. Creating and Training Neural Networks with PyTorch's nn Module
  6. Real-world PyTorch Applications